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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Something Not Included In The Rowers' Code

Like many corporations before us, our sparkling establishment met yet another merger.  This is not something that is either new or different from our usual happenings, and even just a few years prior had done something similar with a different corporate monster.  Sadly, this time we would have to endure such atrocities as the Go-Get-er, that precious individual who has taken it upon him or herself to encourage others to greater heights of business understanding.  This is all well and good except after the seventh or eighth lay-off where everyone is waiting with bated breath for the Angel-of-Death from Human Resources to tap you on the shoulder and transport you to the unemployment line.  The Go-Get-er, in our case, is the Captain of our ship who frequently has Freudian Slips during full company meetings.  My personal favorite was the one where he intended to advise that we were down 50% of our costs but instead pointed out that we were down by 50% of our staff and we should all keep our heads down.  Ummmmmm.

To keep us abreast of changes and inspire how to handle them, the latest purchase was of a nice, hardbound book on how to move ahead in the corporate environment effectively and succeed.  The Captain has succeeded.  He's one of the investors for the book we just bought several thousand copies of.  Had this been my choice, I would have suggested that he give us copies of the following:

Due to the number of lay-offs and issues we'd all been having around the office, there has been much irritation and fussing that not even a well placed prank could melt away.  We had all noted the price of this book, and even at the group rate couldn't have been much less than one or two executive yearly salaries, never mind the small army of underlings it would have covered.  Mutiny is abound.

The current office feeling looks more like this:


Subtract that this is actually from the Burning Man festival and just use the basics of the words.  Burning.  Man.  

Myself, I will read this new book with interest.  Right around the same time that I sprout wings and go to work with flying monkeys for the Wicked Witch of the West.  *or maybe I already do*

1 comment:

  1. Brings to mind a certain song...
